Category: Reading

My Name is Paris: Mystery of t..

My Name is Paris: Mystery of the Magician by Elizabeth Howard
Posted October 8, 2023 by Cass Winters in Reading, Review / 0 Comments

This is the second book the “My Name is Paris” series that I started because of nostalgia. I intend to read all four books in the series. Sometimes you read things to finally say, “Yes, I did that.” Even if no one else really cares if you did. Some things are for you, right? I […]


Posted February 14, 2023 by Cass Winters in Life, Reading, Writing / 0 Comments

As you may have seen from Sunday, I am using the book “All are Free to Write” by Sheila Allee to help me to feel inspired and to write. The first prompt was about intentions for the next year and giving permission to do things. I made a list of 5 different things I want […]