All Are Free To Write: Week 1

Posted February 12, 2023 by Cass Winters in Writing / 0 Comments

I am trying to find ways to write more. I have been working on a murder mystery, but every time I go to write it I feel very disconnected from it. I believe it is because I lost the creative spark that is necessary to write through years of trauma and other stuff. That part of our brain that says we have to be an adult. I think there are voices that have to be appeased in my own head that are about my own past, while I move forward with writing. There are non-fiction things that need to be shared to clear out the clutter of my mind. It is like I need to clean out my attic in order to be able to move forward with my writing. I want to, however, keep writing. With this in mind, I am going to start utilizing this book that is pictured above. It is called “All Are Free to Write” by Sheila Allee. I will include the picture every single time I post from a prompt from this particular book. I am starting at week 1, even though it is into February. I will continue it for one year from this week.

Prompt 1

Make a list of activities, attitude, things you want to give yourself permission to embrace. Once you’ve got a list, pick one per day, set a timer and write about that intention. Write about why it’s important, what it meant to you in the past and how life will be different in the future because you have given yourself permission.


1. Going out to events in the world, like library events
2. Reading what I want to read.
3. Writing daily.
4. Be able to speak about my past without fearing other people’s perceptions.
5. I want to embrace all the quirky things that make me who I am.

Tomorrow will start the writing about each of these intentions.

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