First Post
This is the first post for my website. I am sharing a song that has stuck with me since its release 3 years ago. This song has pushed me through my own trauma narrative. It always reminds me to stay true to myself and my truths. Do not fear being honest about the things that have occurred to me in my life. They are not pleasant things, but I survived them and speaking on them could help someone else survive the same things.
This site is not just about telling a bunch of dirty laundry about the past, it is about stepping into the light. It is about processing feelings. It is about sharing writing. It is about sharing parts of me to the world. Do I think this is going to become some big website? probably not, but I know that it is important to my soul to let other people know that they can survive as well. That they can have horrible things happen and still live. They also can still achieve dreams.
Writing is something that I put on the back burner for such a long period. There have been voices (from the past) that made me believe that I was not good enough to write and while they said they were encouraging me, they were stifling me in so many ways. Telling me to fit into the boxes that they wanted me to be in. People who build you up, actually build you up. They do not tell you who to be or what to enjoy. They let your light shine. They let you be you and don’t try to change you to fit into their world. My writing is going to be both fiction and non-fiction. The non-fiction will be exploration and sharing life stories. The fiction writing will be me exploring how to have a creative voice. My favorite genre to write is definitely mysteries, so that will be something that I am working on. I also want to create short stories for the site here, so that I can continue to develop as a writer.
I want to be clear, in my heart, I will always be a social worker. I love helping others. That is why I will continue to develop myself as a clinical social worker, but I want to also write. It has always been in my heart. Writing is a part of who I am as well. Writing will be something that helps me to speak up, find a voice that has been stifled, and it will be a way to simply enjoy a creative outlet. Social work though is me, as a person though. I am developing that side of myself and realizing that I will always want to work with disenfranchised individuals. Right now, I am in a job to help me to develop myself and to give me time to find myself again, but there will come a time where I step back into a job that allows me to step back into helping those with trauma because these are my people. These are the people I identify with the best.
The last thing I want to say in this first post, I am going to be very transparent in my posts. I am going to be sharing truths that have happened to me. This may mean putting people into the spotlight that wishes they were not in the spotlight. These are truths though. Things that I have been through deserve to be told and I deserve to try to help others to step out of their own darkness and into the same light that I am working towards. This means being transparent. This also means that at times it may sound like I am whining about the past, but I want you to know that fully and deeply I am stepping into the light of this all. I am not allowing this to be a blog about darkness or focusing on the past so much that it envelopes your entire soul. There are so many reasons to be happy in this life and this is about finding those crumbs, even when the world would sometimes try to push you back and down. We are all capable of finding the happiness. Some days are going to be harder than others, but I know that even in my own life I can move forward. That is where I am looking now, FORWARD NOW.
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